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Citizens for Common Sense Government > Mission and Philosophy
guiding principle will be a common sense approach concerning
the workings of our Town Government.
want the Town Government to GOVERN THE TOWN, not get involved
in issues that don’t belong before
the Town Council.
want to serve or help our town officials by researching
issues and presenting the fruit of that research
to the
- We
may take positions on particular issues, but in some instances,
we may just research all positions and
then recommend possible
- We
will be on guard for radical agendas and for extreme “Left” or “Right” wing
groups trying to abuse the
Town Government. The Town Council
is not the venue to advance a world view that is not consistent
with mainstream Watertown Citizens.
- To
that end, we will monitor and research the special interest
groups that sponsor certain measures.
- We
will inform the council and the voters of any hidden agendas
and expose any links with radical
causes the proponents may
- We
will endeavor to remain non-partisan, as our municipal elections
are non-partisan. Our purpose is not
to promote any political
- We
will dedicate ourselves to promoting greater involvement of
mainstream Watertown voters in their
local government and elections.
Believe: America, our system of government, our
free market economy, and our foundation on Godly principles,
is a beacon of hope and a fortress of freedom. Although
not perfect, our system offers mankind the best hope for
universal liberty, opportunity, and prosperity.
We Believe: The founders of this
great republic gave us a system that works and
is ultimately self-healing. But we must respect
the “Separation of Powers” and bear
in mind that each governmental body at every level
has a distinct purpose and mission.
We Believe: Local Government
is the purest and most beautiful expression
of self-government, so long as citizens participate.
We also recognize that local government has
a limited scope of authority. Its’ purpose
is to administer, oversee, and promote the
general welfare and domestic tranquility at
a local level.
We Believe: That in any free
market or free society, it is inevitable that
tensions arise between the individual rights
(including property rights) and the public
interest. Whenever possible and practical,
we believe individual rights should prevail.
We Believe: That there are
many threats to personal freedom. Among them
is “political correctness”
in the elitism of the radical left. We further
reject historical revisionism that denies the
true principles on which this nation was founded.
We categorically reject any dogma that instinctively blames America and
our free enterprise system for the world’s problems.
is a mainstream town steeped in tradition and rich in history.
To understand our roots is to understand the foundations
of a “government of the people, by the people and for
the people.”
were founded in 1630 by Pilgrims and Puritans whose point
of origin was England. They came in the name of freedom:
the freedom to worship God according to their conscience
and tradition and the freedom to govern themselves in harmony
with their moral convictions.
1632, Watertown took one of the first stands against taxation
without representation when its’ citizens refused to
pay a tax levied to subsidize Cambridge.
Provincial Congress, the sole governing body of the Massachusetts
Bay Colony, moved to Watertown in April 1775. For 18 months,
Watertown was the provisional capital of Massachusetts. George
Washington first met with the Massachusetts’ Fathers
of the American Revolution here. Paul Revere lived in Watertown
during the siege of Boston. Here he printed the currency
that paid Continental Army.
the Capital of Massachusetts, today we are a bedroom community,
a suburb of the “Hub of New England.” Yet,
no one can take away our history. Watertown was one of
the “birthplaces” of our great Republic and
fertile soil for self-government.
Today Watertown is no longer composed of predominantly “Protestant
Englishmen.” Quite the contrary its’ modern demographics are
so eclectic it has naturally become a Mecca of diversity.
But the principles of free worship, patriotism, and self-government are
still the bulwark of our society. All of which are rooted in common sense.